Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Getting On Day by Day

Well I think my panic attacks are finally going away. My doctor said that the medicine I am on is probably causing them and as my body adjusts they should stop. YEAH Had the family, in-laws, over last night for my mother-in-laws 65th birthday. VERY stressful. The only people that now, besides by husband and girls, is my one sister-in-law and her husband. Like my sister-in-law, Tracie, said..even a sane person has a hard time dealing with the family...so she was sure I must have been a tad stressed. We laughed at that. It's okay to make "jokes" about what I'm dealing with...we all know how serious it is, but sometimes you just have to find humour where you can. My biggest thing I do, that I've noticed, that when I'm feeling "stressed" I tend to clench my jaw..by the end of last night my jaw was sore (LOL). I really like my therapist and my psychatrist. I have alot of issues that I never learned how to deal with, I just blocked them out. I have a feeling that something happened when I was younger that I totally blocked out...I'm not sure I want to go there and remember. I just want to deal with those things I remember and get on with my life.

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